Hola, adjunto la bibliografía del siguiente artículo en relación a determinación de bioaerosoles con ayuda de láser y la técnica de fluorescencia: Saari, S., Järvinen, S., Reponen, T., Mensah-Attipoe, J., Pasanen, P., Toivonen, J. and Keskinen, J. (2015). I dentification of single microbial particles using electro-dynamic balance assisted laser-induced breakdown and fluorescence spectroscopy. Aerosol Science and Technology , 50(2), pp.126-132. Os dejo por aquí también el abstract: Online characterization of fungal and bacterial spores is important in various applications due to their health and climatic relevance. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the capability of the combination of electro-dynamic balance assisted laser -induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and laser -induced fluorescence (LIF) techniques for the online detection of single fungal spores (Aspergillus versicolor and Penicillium brevicompactum) and bacteria (Bacillus aureus). ...