Determinación de bioaerosoles mediante un método de análisis de respuesta rápida

Hola chicos!!he encontrado un artículo de determinación de aerosoles mediante Lidar, "Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging".

Os adjunto el abstract:
"Scattering, fluorescence and polarization are the important data source for bioagent or bioaerosol time-space observation and identification. This paper stated and discussed the theory and data inversion principles for Mie scattering, laser induced fluorescence and polarization sensing Lidar. The sensing and data inversion results for bioagent/bioaerosol extinction coefficient, horizontal linear depolarization ratio were also demonstrated. The signal and SNR simulation of fluorescence lidar were also demonstrated. The sensing results revealed that the three kinds of detecting technology approaches are reasonable and potential for bioagent/bioaerosol characterization and recognition."


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